




Take care of your body and senses in a picturesque part of the Beskidy Mountains! More than 125 years of tradition skincare

As one of the few centers Medical & SPA in Poland we offer our guests a luxurious beauty treatments with the French Academie. 
Just cross the threshold of our beauty salon to fall into the world of timeless pleasure.

Individually selected beauty treatments tailored to the characteristics of the skin of patients bring relief and restore the skin's natural beauty and shine.Zobacz nasze zabiegi.

The rituals, which restore radiance

The wide range of Medical & SPA center includes treatments such as: cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing, soothing, rejuvenating and lifting, anti-aging and reducing puffiness around the eyes.

Multisensory rituals offered by our hotel restore the beauty and balance of body and soul. All treatments are based on manual massage, bringing solace and prolonging effects of therapeutic treatments.

Well-groomed hands and feet

In our office we perform cosmetic treatments of classic manicure and pedicure, nail gel and hybrid.

After the treatment, we recommend the use of paraffin wrap, so that the skin on hands and feet stays silky smooth and moisturized.

Our patients have access to modern methods of body shaping. Slim silhouette without sacrifices

Liporadiologia is an innovative therapy which effectiveness has been confirmed by research. By combining up to 4 technologies into a single therapy the treatment helps fight the problem of cellulite, excess fat, skin laxity, wrinkles and stretch marks.

LED light stimulates fibroblasts to increase production of collagen, radio waves destroy the connection between the deposits of cellulite by stimulating the synthesis of collagen, rejuvenating and smoothing the skin, IR gives the effect of detoxification and lymphatic drainage, speeding up the metabolism and reducing swelling. The effects are enhanced by massage performed by the profiled rollers running inside the head unit.

Do you know that…

Od ponad 25 lat istnienia filozofia szwajcarskiej marki Selvert Thermal opiera się na poszukiwaniu najbardziej skutecznych dróg wspierania naturalnej samoregeneracji skóry. Za podstawę zabiegów kosmetycznych przyjmuje w pierwszej kolejności konieczność jej zdrenowania i odtrucia, jako warunku efektywności kolejnych działań. Służą temu dwa podstawowe składniki o udowodnionej skuteczności - borowiny oraz woda termalna. W poszukiwaniach efektywnych i bezpiecznych składników twórcy marki sięgają po bogactwa wewnętrzne ziemi (torfy, błota, glinki) oraz do przyrody.W marce Selvert Thermal nie brak również najnowszych osiągnięć medycyny, farmakologii, biologii i biotechnologii. To marka przodująca w zakresie szybkiej adaptacji osiągnięć naukowych tych dziedzin na gruncie kosmetycznym. Dla klientów istotnym atutem są opakowania produktów, o ascetycznym i wysmakowanym designie. Rozbudowana linia kosmetyków domowych będących naturalnym przedłużeniem działania kosmetyków zabiegowych pozwala każdemu klientowi właściwie zadbać o kondycję skóry. Niewątpliwym atutem dla kosmetyczek jest możliwość samodzielnego i eksperymentalnego komponowania zabiegów - tak, by jak najlepiej i najskuteczniej zadbać o skórę pacjentek i klientek. Selvert Thermal to także jedna z niewielu marek posiadająca w ofercie linię dermatologiczną, przeznaczoną dla skór problemowych.

 For over 25 years, the philosophy of the Swiss brand Selvert Thermal is based on the search for the most effective ways to promote natural self-healing of the skin. As the basis of cosmetic procedures, it first assumes the necessity of draining and detoxifying it as a condition of effectiveness of subsequent activities. This serves two basic ingredients with proven efficacy - mud and thermal water. In search of effective and safe ingredients the brand's creators go back to the inner riches of the earth (peat, mud, clay) and to nature. Selvert Thermal also has the latest achievements in medicine, pharmacology, biology and biotechnology. It is a leading brand in the field of rapid adaptation of the scientific achievements of these fields on the cosmetic ground. Customers are a significant asset to the packaging of products, ascetic and tasteful design. An extensive line of home remedies that are a natural extension of treatment cosmetics allows every customer to properly care for their skin condition. An undoubted advantage of cosmetics is the ability to independently and experimentally compose treatments - so as to best and most effectively take care of the skin of patients and clients. Selvert Thermal is also one of the few brands that offers a dermatological line for problem skin.

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